How will 
Pioneer-Burdekin help maximise 
our green energy potential? Hydro is how.

Pioneer-Burdekin Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Project.

The Pioneer Valley and nearby ranges are located around 75 km west of Mackay. This area was identified by the Queensland Government as a site that has significant potential for a pumped hydro energy storage facility.

The site is an ideal location due to the potential to have upper and lower reservoirs incredibly close together – meaning short tunnel lengths – delivering a capacity of 5,000 MW.

The 700 m elevation and short tunnel lengths creates the potential for huge energy storage and generation, while maintaining a compact surface area.

As there is no existing reservoir for this propose site, investigations to understand the benefits and impacts of creating smaller upper reservoirs in the Burdekin catchment near Dalrymple Heights and a lower reservoir in the Pioneer Valley near Netherdale have commenced.

Queensland Hydro is not building any infrastructure in the Eungella National Park. The National Park will not be flooded. We understand the Pioneer Valley and nearby ranges is an area with ecological significance so we are very committed to developing plans that will see a net positive impact for the environment.

Queensland Hydro is in the initial investigation phase and is undertaking a range of technical studies, including geotechnical investigations and front-end engineering design. We’re also building our knowledge of the environmental, cultural, social, economic, and technical aspects of the proposed project site.

The proposed Pioneer-Burdekin project has three stages:

  • Investigation phase, including compiling the Detailed Analytical Report for Government
  • Exploratory phase, including preparing the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Main Works phase
  • Main works phase, which results in the delivery of power.
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Project status.

The proposed Project is currently in the early investigations stage. That means, Queensland Hydro is actively undertaking a range of studies to methodically understand environmental, social and economic impacts.

At the end of this phase, Queensland Hydro will produce a Detailed Analytical Report, which is like a business case. The Queensland Government will then review the Report and decide whether to support the Project further.

If the Project is supported, Queensland Hydro will progress to the next stages which include seeking environmental and planning approvals. These state and federal approvals processes are robust and independent.

Should the Queensland Government accept Queensland Hydro’s Detailed Analytical Report, we’ll then work with the Queensland Government Office of the Coordinator-General and the Federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water to develop our formal approach to seek approvals and any requirements for the next steps.

It’s too early in the process for an EIS to be finalised for the proposed Project because no green light has been given by the Queensland Government to progress beyond investigations. These current investigations will inform the Detailed Analytical Report.

If the proposed Project progresses past the initial investigations phase, the community will have several formal opportunities to provide their views during public consultation periods. Queensland Hydro will continue to engage with the community throughout all phases of the proposed project, and we welcome stakeholder input at any time, including outside of any of the formal processes.

Looking for more information about the proposed Project? Check out The facts.

The facts.

Connecting to the bigger renewable energy picture.

The proposed Pioneer-Burdekin Pumped Hydro Project is located within a potential renewable energy zone (REZ) – an area nominated by the Queensland Government where clean energy infrastructure can be strategically developed. This is an important part of the Queensland Government’s Energy and Jobs Plan.

To understand more about the purpose and locations of a potential REZ, take a look at the Department of Energy and Climate website.

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Borumba Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Project.
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